2017 Holiday Gift Ideas
Dr. Ellis on FOX2 Talking About National Toothbrush Day!
Confused About Your Choice of Toothbrush? Ellis Dental Can Help.
Happy National Dentist Day!
The days of people being afraid to go to the dentist are slowing fading thanks to new strides in dental technology. Plus with most dental insurance plans including two annual checkups and cleanings, preventative maintenance is resulting in many problems being discovered before requiring costly and painful treatment.
Having a beautiful healthy white smile makes you both look and feel better and gives you such a boost of self confidence. As we here at Ellis Dental get ready to celebrate, we’d like to leave you with some great tips to help us honor National Dentist Day by keeping your teeth healthy and your smile beautiful.
- While the time for New Year’s resolutions is past, take a minute and commit on National Dentist Day to take better care of your teeth. Nothing will make your dentist happier than by being proactive when it comes to practicing good daily oral hygiene.
- If you haven’t been to the dentist in the past year, pick up that phone right now and make an appointment for a cleaning and checkup. Bi-annual dental appointments are crucial for long-term positive dental health.
- How long has it been since you’ve replaced your toothbrush or toothbrush head if you have an electric or battery powered unit? The experts at the American Dental Association have determined that your toothbrush needs to be replaced three or four times a year.
- Make sure you show off those pearly whites by smiling on a regular basis. You have beautiful teeth; why not let the world see them?
- And finally we’d love to hear from you! Have some special tips or tricks to keep your oral health in tip top shape? We want to know about them!
Ellis Dental is your hometown full service dental practice. Please call us today at 314.965.1334 to schedule an appointment.
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Everything You Wanted to Know About Toothbrushes and More
We all use one, hopefully at least twice a day, but how much do you really know about that toothbrush hanging in your bathroom?
Manual or Power
Manual toothbrushes, if used correctly and for the prescribed amount of time, do a great job. That said, many people, especially children, prefer an electric or battery powered brush. Most power toothbrushes come with a built-in timer so you don’t have to worry if you are brushing long enough. Power brushes are also good for people with mobility concerns such as neurological problems or arthritis.
Soft or extra soft bristles are always recommended because many times anything else is too harsh for sensitive gums. After you decide on bristle firmness it is vitally important to remember to change your manual toothbrush or the head on your power brush every three months, or sooner if the bristles begin to look frayed. Over time, with use, the bristles become flat making plaque removal difficult.
Toothbrush Maintenance
Just as you rinse your mouth one final time after brushing, it’s important to also rinse your toothbrush. This removes food particles, old toothpaste and mouth bacteria. Then make sure your toothbrush is allowed to thoroughly air dry between brushings. Don’t store your brush in a closed container as this can promote bacterial growth.
We here at Ellis Dental recommend power brushes to the majority of our patients and offer both Sonicare and Oral B for sale. We also have brush head refills, which make the perfect holiday stocking stuffer! Prices for both are less expensive than can be found at major retail stores. Along with good brushing and flossing habits, don’t forget to schedule bi-yearly dental checkup. Please call 314-965-1334 to make your appointment today.
Photo: Pinterest