Saluting Those Who Serve

Patriotism is alive and well here at Ellis Dental!

Not only do we have a staff member who is retired Army but also two members of our Ellis Dental family currently have sons serving our country.

While working closely with Dr. Ellis as one of her dental assistants, many of our patients probably aren’t aware that Vicki Russel served eight years as an active member of the United States Army Reserves. Vicki completed her Basic Training right here in Missouri at Ft. Leonard Wood and then was sent to Ft. Sam Houston in San Antonio, Texas for her Advanced Individual Training as a medic. While long since retired from the Reserves, Vicki “considers her involvement and graduation from both Basic Training and Advanced Individual Training, along with her time spent serving her country to be some of the proudest moments of her life.”

Our dental hygienist Denise Schwarzbach is a true military Mom with not one but two sons serving our country. In January 2012, son Derek joined the United States Marines.  Now almost three years later he is a Corporal stationed at Camp Pendleton, California and works as a heavy machine operator. This past spring Denise and her family were able to join him in California before his scheduled first deployment to Afghanistan. After serving six months overseas, Derek returned to the States the end of October and has a long awaited visit back to St. Louis, planned for February 2015.

Son Nick is following in his big brother’s footsteps and will be leaving for Marine Corp Boot Camp this month to begin his own journey of becoming a United States Marine. Upon completion of Boot Camp he will be serving in the Marine Corp Reserves while also attending Missouri University of Science and Technology. The Schwarzbachs are so very proud of both their sons!

This year, Christmas will be even more special for Mary Ladd, another one of our invaluable dental assistants, since her son Sam, who she hasn’t seen since October, 2013 will be coming home for the holidays. Sam always knew he wanted a military career and certainly didn’t waste any time after graduating from high school. In fact, he left for Boot Camp on June 28, 2013 and is now a C.S. E2 (Culinary Specialty) serving on the USS Tortuga stationed out of Norfolk, Virginia. Sam’s graduation in October, 2013 made Mary not only proud to be an American but also proud to be the mother of an active service member.

Ellis Dental wishes to thank Vicki, Derek, Nick and Sam for their service to our great country along with all the rest of our area’s active and retired military personnel. These heroes have our undying gratitude for their service and sacrifice in keeping our country the greatest nation on earth.

Dental Care During Pregnancy

Congratulations you are having a baby!  You’re seeing your obstetrician on a regular basis to ensure both you and your baby are in perfect physical health but has anyone discussed your dental health during these exciting months? These days between vitamins and proper diet, calcium generally is not a concern during a woman’s pregnancy. It is important to include plenty of dairy products and green leafy vegetables such as spinach and broccoli to ensure you get the necessary amount of calcium while you’re pregnant.

Remember that major hormonal changes are occurring and this increase in both estrogen and progesterone can elevate your chances of developing gingivitis. “Pregnancy gingivitis” can appear as early as within the first trimester. Continue to brush and floss on a regular basis and you may want to consider adding an antimicrobial mouth rinse to help control any inflammation. Also, your dentist may suggest having your teeth cleaned more frequently to lessen the chances of gingivitis developing into more serious periodontal disease.

A small percentage of women will develop pregnancy granulomas which are red swollen nodules located near the upper gum line. While often painful they aren’t dangerous and generally disappear after the baby is born. No one has determined exactly what causes these granulomas though poor oral hygiene is typically involved.

While most dental experts agree that elective dental procedures should be postponed until after the birth of the baby, dental emergencies still need to be addressed. If anesthesia or prescribed medication will be involved your obstetrician should be consulted.

If you are planning on becoming pregnant why not go ahead now and schedule an appointment with Dr. Ellis? Any necessary x-rays can be taken at this time and she can also discuss a suitable dental plan for you to follow while you are expecting.

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When Should You Consider Cosmetic Dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry is a specialized branch of dental care comprised of numerous procedures. Often people will seek cosmetic dental solutions even when their teeth are healthy simply because they aren’t happy with their appearance. If the condition of your teeth makes you reluctant to interact with people in the workplace or in a social setting, this can quickly begin to erode your self confidence. Lack of good self esteem can have a huge impact on everything from personal relationships to professional success Many people seeking cosmetic dental assistance have suffered an accident, injury or medical condition leaving them with teeth which are not aesthetically pleasing. Or perhaps they grew up in a household where dental hygiene was never a priority and as a result now have decayed misshaped teeth. Others are finally driven to consult a dentist because these oral traumas have made it painful to eat or drink. Obviously if rotten teeth and physical discomfort are present, these concerns need to be addressed as soon as possible. There are so many options, both long and short term, which can reduce a person’s pain making it much easier to take in nourishment as well as improve their physical appearance. Plus we now know tooth decay and periodontal disease have serious health ramifications and need to be addressed in a timely manner.

Ellis Dental is concerned with all your dental needs. We believe no one should ever experience dental pain and we also understand completely the correlation between a beautiful healthy smile and good self esteem. If you experience pain when chewing, drinking a cold or hot beverage, have a chipped tooth, are missing a tooth or have those old unattractive metal fillings please call us today at 314.965.1334 and let’s discuss how we can give you the smile you’ve always wanted.

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Who Has the Best Teeth in Hollywood?

Walking the red carpet at those Hollywood premieres all the celebrities have dazzling white smiles with perfectly straight teeth. They look like they’ve never had a cavity, smoked a cigarette or indulged in a sweet sugary soda. But of course, we all know the majority of them have had all sorts of cosmetic dental procedures including implants, porcelain veneers, even gum reshaping!  Sounds painful, right? Have all celebrities succumbed to Hollywood vanity or have some just been blessed with gorgeous all natural teeth? According to the internet, and of course, since everything we read online has to be true, here is the answer to this all important pressing question.

Yes, Hilary Swank has larger than normal teeth but they are naturally gorgeous. Almost perfect in size, the general consensus is all she has done on a regular basis is professional whitening.

Look closely at Heidi Klum and it’s obvious she has never had any major cosmetic dental procedures done except for professional whitened. Her teeth are nicely shaped with a square edge and her two front teeth are stepped over the adjoining ones.

In Hollywood’s culture of perfection, Hugh Jackman is a breath of fresh air. He was hesitant to even get his teeth whitened because he was concerned it would distract from his manly rugged appearance.

Look closely at Matthew McConaughey and you’ll see an actor who is strikingly handsome but doesn’t have perfect teeth. His beautiful broad masculine smile displays dazzling white teeth which aren’t totally symmetric. But his tooth position and size, while not Hollywood perfect, are flawless when paired with his facial features.

While all these stars have whitened their teeth, they haven’t caved to the pressures of the profession and undergone invasive dental procedures; and that’s why we here at Ellis Dental believe these are the best smiles in Hollywood. Interested in exploring your whitening options? Please contact us today to schedule an appointment.

How a Parent’s Dental Health can Affect Their Children

Growing up you probably heard your parents say, “Do as I say, not as I do” and swore when you had kids you would never repeat that same sentence. Now as you drink sugary sodas, eat chewy sticky candy and keep putting off that long neglected dental appointment, you hear those same words coming out of your mouth. As a parent it is important to teach your child good oral health beginning at an early age. But as we all know, children learn through example. If they don’t see you taking care of your teeth along with getting regular dental exams, chances are pretty good they won’t understand just how important good dental health really is. Studies have shown definite correlation between the frequency of tooth brushing in a parent and the same degree of frequency of tooth brushing in their children. Research has also determined both oral hygiene skills and a parent’s attitude toward oral hygiene play a major role in a child accepting brushing and flossing as part of their daily routine.

Often because of wide array of socioeconomic reasons, including not being taught proper dental care when they themselves were children, cost of dental procedures, lack of dental insurance and not understanding the importance of primary teeth, new parents have to be educated on how to care for their child’s teeth. Today, many pediatricians have begun teaching parents on how tooth decay can affect their child’s overall general health. They also are strongly suggesting a child have their first dental appointment between the ages of 12 to 18 months.

Ellis Dental accepts new patients of all ages and would be proud to be your child’s oral health care provider, they even offer well baby exams at no charge for all children under the age of 2.  With two small children of her own, Dr. Ellis understands completely the challenges parents can face when it comes to teaching their children proper dental care. Please call us today at 314.965.1334 for more information or to schedule an appointment.

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Who IS the Father of Dental Anesthesia?

It’s often hard to determine who exactly gets the honor of being called the “father” of modern day local dental anesthesia because so many different individuals were working on methods around the same time. Horace Wells, DDS saw the effects of nitrous oxide or laughing gas in December of 1844 during a traveling circus show. Later that night he used it on himself while a fellow dentist extracted a wisdom tooth. He reported it was a painless process, though in some later extractions, other patients didn’t achieve the same pain free results.

Then on September 30, 1846, William Thomas Green Morton administered ether before extracting a tooth and the patient reported he felt no pain during the procedure. Morton quickly went on to patent ether under the name of letheon but it was soon discovered letheon was really ether and a Harvard chemistry professor, Dr. Charles T. Jackson had originally created the formula.

Today dentists have a wide range of anesthesia choices. Dr. Ellis mainly uses Lidocaine and Septocaine with Polocaine reserved for certain patients who for a variety of reasons don’t respond well to the other two options.

Benzocaine is a local anesthetic which works by blocking nerve signals in the body. This topical anesthetic is usually used before an oral injection is given. Then Septocaine is an injectable anesthesia given during both minor and complex dental procedures. This is also the anesthesia which causes you to drool, makes it difficult if not impossible to eat or drink and even can cause slurred speech until the effects wear off. If you’ve ever had a tooth filled, you’ve probably experienced these generally harmless but annoying side effects.

Here at Ellis Dental, we are focused on your comfort and well being. If you ever have any questions or concerns when it comes to your dental care, please don’t hesitate to discuss them with us at any time before, during or after the procedure. We want to make sure you are completely satisfied with the level of care you receive from every member of our staff.

Have You “Liked” Ellis Dental on Facebook?

Whether it’s scheduling an appointment to reading our informative blog posts concerning everything from preventative dental care to getting to know our staff, Ellis Dental believes in making it as convenient as possible for our patients to connect with us. One of the many ways we do this is thorough our website; but did you also know we’re on Facebook ?  When you take just a few minutes to “like” us online, our frequent updates conveniently appear in your timeline. Everything from weekly blog posts to educational and fun dental articles, when we’re Facebook friends you can even click on the link to our website and schedule your next dental appointment.

By being Facebook friends, you can easily and quickly check out our hours of operation, find our physical address and phone number and even read reviews from our satisfied patients. Plus, this is the place to go for a more personal glimpse of Dr. Ellis and the staff.

For example, did you know Dr. Ellis had her baby? Miss Ivy Christine Ellis was born on June 29th and you can see how gorgeous she is by following us on Facebook. Then our scheduling coordinator Nicole was recently married and pictures of her beautiful wedding are right there on the Ellis Dental page.

If life has been so busy you haven’t had time to get your teeth professional cleaned, we often post on Facebook when we have last minute hygiene appointments available. See a convenient time that would work for you?  All you have to do is pick up the phone, call Nicole at 314.965.1334 and let her do the rest.

Whether you connect with us on our website, “like” us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter, Ellis Dental is here for all your oral health needs.

After School Tooth Friendly Snacks

As a parent, it is important to set a good example when selecting your own snacks and always having healthy choices available for when the kids come home from school starving.

  • After your weekly trip to the grocery store allow the kids to help prep their afternoon snacks for the upcoming week. They will be more apt to select things like carrots, celery, cucumbers and broccoli when they are already cut up and ready to eat. Certain fruits including apples and pears either need to be eaten whole or sliced right before eating to stay visually appealing. Other fruits that are good choices and can be prepared a couple days in advance are grapes, berries and melons.
  • Nuts are a great protein packed snack. Just remember to always purchase the lightly salted selections. Or smear some peanut butter on wheat crackers or unsalted pretzel sticks.
  • Don’t discount dairy. Cottage cheese can be jazzed up with fresh fruit or a tablespoon of unsweetened jam. Low fat/low sugar yogurt with fruit is another great choice. Limit frozen yogurt to a special treat since the freezing process kills off all the good bacteria.
  • Sodas and energy drinks are very damaging when it comes to tooth health. The sweet sticky liquid can remain in the mouth for up to 20 minutes, damaging the enamel and creating cavities. Flavored sparkling water is a much better choice; just make sure it is naturally flavored and doesn’t include artificial or added sweeteners.
  • For older kids who many need more of a meal than a simple snack, keep whole grain bread, low fat cheese and lean protein like chicken or turkey on hand for a quick sandwich.

For a positive lifelong dental experience, please contact Ellis Dental  and schedule an appointment for your toddler or teen today.

5 Ways to Whiten Teeth Naturally

The desire for a beautiful white Hollywood smile is big business these days. But did you know there are simple very inexpensive whitening methods which can be achieved by simply using common household products and food items you probably purchase every week?

  • Strawberries and baking soda might not sound very appetizing but can work wonders when it comes to whitening teeth. Mash up four or five strawberries, mix in a small amount of baking soda then using a fresh toothbrush, dip the brush in the mixture and brush over the front of the teeth. Let sit for approximately five minutes and rinse.
  • No strawberries? No problem. Just add some hydrogen peroxide to your baking soda. Stir until the mixture reaches paste consistency, apply to the teeth and then brush as usual. This is also a great breath freshener and anti-bacterial agent.
  • We’ve all heard about the health benefits of coconut oil and now many experts are touting the effects of using this oil after brushing to eliminate staining. Coconut oil can be applied by several different methods, including swishing a small amount around in your mouth or applying to a cotton swab and rubbing on each tooth.
  • Naturally whiten your teeth through the foods you eat. By selecting saliva producing snacks like apples, carrots and pears you’ll have more saliva to rinse away the bacteria causing plaque which can cling to the tooth surface, allowing it to become stained.
  • Try brushing with apple cider vinegar first before brushing with your regular toothpaste. This method will take about a month before you begin to see results and you do need to rinse thoroughly so the acid doesn’t damage your tooth enamel.

Even though these natural whitening options are low cost, they do take some time and preparation.  The easiest and quickest way to whiten your teeth is through our professional whitening program at Ellis Dental.  Please call 314.965.1334 for more information or to schedule an appointment today.

Happy Labor Day from Ellis Dental

Most people recognize Labor Day simply as the informal beginning of fall or as just an extra day off to spend at the lake or barbequing with family and friends. But do you really know why the first Monday in September is a national holiday? During the late 19th century as America continued to grow and prosper, manufacturing took the place of agriculture as the number one employment option. But there were no rules or guidelines to protect the workers. Most people worked seven days a week, 12 to 16 hours a day often in unsafe and dirty conditions.

As dissatisfaction grew informal Labor Unions began to organize demanding better working conditions and wages. As with anything worth fighting for there were struggles and often these strikes turned violent but the Unions persevered.

The original Labor Day holiday was celebrated on September 5th, 1882 when over 10,000 workers left their jobs and marched from City Hall to Union Square in New York demanding the same changes the Union leaders were fighting for. Finally in 1885 the first Monday in September was formally decreed the “workingman’s holiday” and began to receive state and then federal recognition.

In honor of Labor Day, there are two great parades scheduled for Monday. The St. Louis parade begins at 9AM at the corner of 13th and Olive and the Belleville Parade and Picnic starts on First Street at 10AM with the picnic to follow at Hough Park at 11:30AM.

Ellis Dental will be closed on Labor Day so our staff can enjoy the day with family and friends. The office will reopen at 8AM on Tuesday. Please call us then to schedule an appointment or go online for additional information.

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Do You Really Have a Toothache?

You wake up one morning, brush your teeth and then while drinking that first cup of coffee, you notice one of your teeth hurt. Or maybe it’s a couple of teeth, you really can’t tell. Toothache symptoms can be caused by a wide range of problems which don’t always originate from a tooth.

  • A human face has four major sinus cavities. The maxillary sinuses are approximately an inch across and are found on top of each cheekbone. When a virus, bacteria or certain allergens irritate and infect the maxillary cavity the accompanying pressure can mimic a toothache.
  • Trigeminal neuralgia is caused when the trigeminal nerve becomes inflamed. This nerve is responsible for sensation in the face and the biting and chewing motor functions. When you have trigeminal neuralgia, often something as simple as brushing your teeth can cause debilitating pain. Because of the complexity of determining a true diagnosis, frequently people end up going through many medical and dental procedures before being correctly diagnosed.
  • Occasionally an ear infection, temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) symptoms or tight facial muscles can lead you to believe you have a toothache. Then there are those times when even after a visit to your dentist you still have unexplained tooth pain. One of the most common causes is a cracked tooth. Something as small as even a microscopic crack may cause excruciating pain.
  • There is an entire realm of other medical health concerns which may cause tooth pain. Generally with the majority of these more serious conditions there are always other symptoms to take into consideration.

Dr. Ellis is a firm believer that all tooth pain needs to be investigated. Please contact the office at 314.965.1334 and speak with Nicole, our scheduling coordinator.

What is Tooth Enamel and How to Protect It

Many of our posts mention tooth enamel but we’ve never really discussed in detail exactly what tooth enamel is and the best way to care for it. Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in your mouth. When you look at a tooth, the enamel is what you are seeing; it covers the entire outer layer of the tooth. Enamel is primarily made up of hydroxyapatite. This is a natural calcium mineral generally found in both tooth enamel and bone. This mineral compound is semi-translucent and can vary in shades from pale yellow, grayish white and off white. Because of its translucency, tooth color is only partially based on the enamel shade.

There are no living cells in tooth enamel and it can’t regenerate like other body parts. When tooth enamel is destroyed, it can potentially cause serious problems. Enamel is the main barrier in guarding your teeth from decay. It also protects all the inner layers from damaging acids and the harmful effects of plaque. The enamel coating keeps your teeth from being damaged by foods and beverages which are too hot or cold.

Because enamel can be broken or dissolved off the tooth, it is important to follow these five tips to help keep your enamel strong.

  • Brush or at least rinse after consuming acidic foods and beverages. Limit your sugar intake.
  • Don’t chew ice and stop biting on non-food items such as the end of pens or your fingernails.
  • When brushing make sure to use a soft brush head in order to not damage the enamel.
  • If you grind your teeth, talk with your dentist about the advantages of a mouth guard.

Interested in learning more about your tooth enamel and how to protect it? Please schedule an appointment with Ellis Dental today.

Five Signs You Need to Visit the Dentist

Most of the time seeing your dentist twice a year for a thorough cleaning and check-up is sufficient for heading off any problems. Though on occasion something comes up and you just aren’t sure if it warrants a dentist appointment. Or perhaps you’re one of those folks who haven’t seen a dentist in years but now are having problems. Not sure if it’s time to pick up the phone and call 314.965.1334 and schedule an appointment to come see Dr. Ellis? Keep reading.

  • If you are experiencing chronic tooth pain, it is definitely time to see a dentist. The pain could be caused by something as simple as a cavity or more serious periodontal disease.
  • If your gums hurt, bleed or look red and swollen, then please make an appointment. Often, especially if you haven’t had a professional cleaning in a while, hardened plaque can become trapped under the gum line. Gingivitis or periodontal disease has the potential to cause tooth loss if not treated.
  • One day after brushing you notice white spots on your teeth; those aren’t supposed to be there. White spots are one of the first indications of dental decay inside the tooth. When the enamel begins to dissolve due to a buildup of bacteria, the interior of the tooth becomes infected.
  • Most of us get the occasional canker sore or mouth ulcer and that in itself isn’t cause to worry. That is unless you get a sore that doesn’t heal or they start occurring on a regular basis.
  • If you have begun experiencing early morning headaches, it might be a good idea to schedule a dental appointment. Often grinding your teeth at night can cause pain in your head, jaw and face.

As always, if you are experiencing any other problems or concerns, Dr. Ellis and her caring staff is only a phone call away.

Overcome Your Fear of the Dentist No Matter What Your Age

You know the importance of good oral health. You brush and floss twice a day, are careful about not eating hard or sticky candies and never chew ice, but one thing you don’t do is go to the dentist. While you have convinced yourself since nothing hurts, it’s ok to live by the “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” rule, you know deep down inside, that isn’t smart.

  • Often not knowing what to expect keeps adults from heading to the dentist. When calling the office to schedule an appointment be up front and honest with the receptionist and tell her of your fears. Then ask if you can have a couple extra minutes with the dentist and/or hygienist at the beginning of the appointment to discuss your concerns.
  • In the past, people with a sensitive gag reflex dreaded having dental X-Rays taken because those plastic and cardboard tabs inserted in the mouth would cause gagging. Now the majority of dentists offer non-invasive panoramic X-Rays. There is nothing worse than that horrible drilling noise. Either ask your dentist for a pair of headphones or bring your ear buds and iPod.
  • You are reclined, getting pretty comfortable in the chair and then in walks the hygienist who starts to arrange all those sharp dental tools. Instead of freaking out, ask her to explain what each instrument will be used for.
  • Along with all these tips you can also begin to prepare yourself before even leaving home. It’s amazing what a couple simple relaxation tips can do to help change your outlook.
  • And if none of the above techniques work for you, we offer Nitrous Oxide and other prescription medications that will help calm any nerves.

Dr. Ellis and her staff understand a dental visit can be scary and we all work hard to ease your fears. Please don’t hesitate to give us a call at 314.965.1334 and talk with our scheduling coordinator, Nicole about your concerns. You’ll be pleasantly surprised to see how non-threatening your twice yearly dental visits can be.

Pros and Cons of Whitening Strips

Over the counter whitening strips have become big business during the past ten years.  In the beginning using these strips was a time consuming process but as manufacturing technology became more sophisticated, now whitening your teeth can be done in a matter of minutes. No matter which brand you select most meet their advertised selling points, but just like everything else on the market these days educate yourself to the pros and cons before using these strips on a regular basis.


  • For the majority of people whitening strips do make their teeth whiter without any major side effects or problems.
  • Whitening strips are convenient, easy to use and fairly inexpensive. No prescription is required and they can be purchased at just about any grocery store, pharmacy or big box store.
  • The time requirement is minimal. Depending on the brand selected it can take as little as five minutes or up to thirty. Because the strips adhere snuggly to the teeth, you can spend that time doing just about any other activity including watching television, exercising or cleaning house.


  • Occasionally the adhesive fails, making the strip(s) unusable.
  • Overusing the strips or leaving them on too long can damage the tooth enamel.
  • Often tooth and/or gum sensitivity occurs.
  • Depending on what caused the stains, whitening strips may not work. Discoloration because of poor oral hygiene, tetracycline antibiotics taken as a child, as well trauma to the tooth, will not be removed by over the counter whitening strips. In fact, many times these stains will look darker against the rest of the freshly whitened teeth.

In conclusion, these strips can be effective but as with any other over the counter product, read and follow all directions. If you experience any discomfort or other problems immediately stop using and if the problems continue, please contact Dr. Ellis immediately.

Does My Child Need Braces?

Those baby teeth are falling like leaves off trees and you really don’t like what you’re seeing now that your child’s permanent teeth are developing.  Malocclusion or “bad bite” occurs when the teeth are not properly aligned. Often heredity, if you had braces because of malocclusion, probably your child will need them, too. Listed below are some additional reasons why your dentist may suggest it’s time to consult an orthodontist:

  • Overcrowding of teeth. The average adult has between 28 and 32 teeth depending on when and if their wisdom teeth come in. But many people don’t have the required mouth space to accommodate all those teeth. Generally when this occurs a specific number of teeth are removed and braces added to straighten the remaining teeth.
  • Ill-fitting teeth. When the upper jaw overlaps the lower, you have an overbite. Then when the lower jaw is larger, you have an underbite. Malocclusion can cause discomfort when biting or chewing, mouth breathing and speech impediments. Using braces to correct the bite can eliminate strain on the teeth, jaws and surrounding muscles and reduce the symptoms of TMJ as the patient ages.
  • If a child is allowed to suck their thumb or has yet been weaned off a bottle after the age of three chances are braces will be in their future. The American Dental Association has determined thumb sucking is generally acceptable until a child reaches the age when their permanent teeth begin to come in. By continuing this habit, often the front teeth will protrude, resulting in “buck teeth.”
  • Less common reasons for braces, especially in children, can be misaligned teeth caused by mouth tumors or because of a broken jaw.

Concerned about your child’s teeth? Please call 314.965.1334 and schedule an appointment today with Dr. Ellis to determine the next step.

Help! I Don’t Understand my Dental Insurance

It’s probably no surprise that in our complicated world of health care, dental insurance can often be just as confusing as a medical policy. Plus as dental technology continues to provide new cutting edge procedures for preventative, basic and major dental care insurance policies are constantly evolving. We here at Ellis Dental work vigilantly to stay in the know on the ever changing rules and regulations when it comes to dental insurance and to ensure our patients are able to take full advantage of all their benefits. We work with all dental insurance policies and will always file on your behalf. As many of you know, dental insurance, just as medical insurance, offers different benefits and pricing structures depending if you visit a provider within their particular network. Ellis Dental currently is an in-network provider for several dental insurance plans including Delta Dental Premier, United Healthcare and Cigna.

Medical insurance is the only insurance individuals are required to have under the current Affordable Care Act and we understand not everyone is offered dental insurance through their employers. That’s why we do have available an in-house dental plan as well as other financing options. One of our most popular financing options is Care Credit. This program can be applied for here at our office or in the privacy of your own home online at Any questions or concerns you may have when it comes to dental insurance or financing options, please feel free to contact our financial coordinator, Nancy Bernabe, today for assistance. You can reach her via email at or call her during regular business hours at 314-965-1334.

Ellis Dental understands while the economic climate is slowly improving, many families are still struggling. If the only thing standing between you and quality dental care is your bank balance, please contact us today and let’s talk.

4th of July Happenings In and Around Crestwood

Can you believe it is already the middle of summer? Seems like we were just shoveling snow and complaining about the cold weather and now here we are planning backyard barbeques and scoping out the best spots to view 4th of July fireworks. This year since the 4th falls on a Friday, you have a nice long weekend to get out and enjoy all the great family friendly events in and around the Crestwood area.

  • Come participate in America’s Biggest Birthday Party: the Fair Saint Louis. This year’s event is being held in Forest Park because of the City/ArchRiver construction. Festival dates are July 3rd, 4th and 5th and as always admission to the event along with the concerts and nightly fireworks are all free. This year’s musical guests include Bonnie Raitt, The Fray and The Band Perry.
  • Head down to the St. Charles riverfront and enjoy Riverfest 2014. This three day celebration at Frontier Park includes a parade, great fireworks, carnival rides, fantastic summertime food and a wide selection of live musical acts including the renowned Air Force Band of Mid America Concert Band.
  • Community Days at Webster Groves is such a huge event it takes four days to get all the fun in!  The event gets underway on Wednesday, July 2nd and includes a great fireworks display on both Friday and Saturday nights. Their traditional 4th of July Parade kicks off at 10AM Friday and will feature classic cars, marching bands, floats, clowns and more.
  • For those of you just wanting to enjoy fireworks the cities of Bridgeton, Ferguson and Florissant will all be hosting displays on the evening of the 4th.

Ellis Dental would like to remind everyone to please be safe over this upcoming long 4th of July weekend. Remember, don’t leave backyard grills unattended, fireworks are illegal and always use a designated driver if you plan on drinking.

Are My Wisdom Teeth Impacted?

Most people think their permanent teeth all come in around the same time-throughout the ages of six to twelve. Then during their late teens or early twenties when problems arise with the back molars they don’t realize the pain and discomfort is a result of their wisdom teeth erupting. Generally because of the location of these teeth, there isn’t enough room in the back of the jaw to accommodate this last set of molars. Often this results in teeth struggling to erupt, misaligned teeth, nerve damage, jawbone pain and additional problems to the surrounding teeth. When wisdom teeth begin to erupt but are only able to partially break through, bacteria can enter around the stretched gum line and become infected. An impacted wisdom tooth is accompanied by swelling, pain, a general feeling of malaise and possibly even problems opening and closing the jaw. Along with these concerns, the tooth’s awkward position may make brushing and flossing difficult, resulting in both tooth decay and gum disease. Another common problem is food particles and plaque can become trapped in the soft tissue around the tooth creating gum tenderness, swelling, bleeding and bad breath.

The only way to determine if you have wisdom teeth which have not yet erupted is by having an X-Ray taken. Depending on your dental practitioner, they may suggest monitoring your wisdom teeth over a period of time to determine if their position and alignment could be changing. Often a dentist will recommend having your wisdom teeth extracted before problems occur, especially in younger patients since removal is easier and the healing process isn’t as difficult.

Concerned your wisdom teeth are impacted? Or maybe you aren’t sure if you even have wisdom teeth. Contact the caring staff at Ellis Dental today to schedule an appointment and have one less thing to worry about it when it comes to your oral health.